The First Email Ever Sent (Week 7)

For this week's blogpost I will be writing about another technology on the Com Tech Timeline. The technological advancement that I am going to cover this week is "the first email sent". The first email ever sent was sent from one computer to another in a room in Cambridge Massachusetts. This email message was a test message, and was sent in 1971. The email message read, "QWERTYUIOP". The man who sent the email was Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer who worked for a company called Bolt Beranek & Newman. Bolt Beranek and Newman was the company who created ARPANET. ARPANET was essentially the internet before the internet existed, as it was a system that consisted of a network of computers that were connected to one another. While working for Bolt and Beranek, Tomlinson had a side project that he was working on as well. He wanted to figure out how he could create a way for computer users to send messages or files to other computers. Up to that point, computers could only communicate messages on the same computer, but not to other, separate computers. Additionally, Tomlinson also went on to introduce the famous "@" symbol to email communications as the address sign in someone's email name. Needless to say, Ray Tomlinson's insight was groundbreaking and changed the way that humans would communicate on a global scale in the decades following, and all the way up until the present time.

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