Our Top Three Tips for Designing Your Home

Calling all homeowners and do it yourselfers!

Have you been thinking about sprucing up your home for a while but aren’t sure exactly how to go about it? Or maybe you’re a new home owner excited to design your new space, but you could use a little bit of direction. If so, you’re in the right place because we are going to be giving the top three tips on designing the interior of your home.

Floor Plan and Spacing

When it comes to designing a living space, getting the floor plan right is a must. A solid floor plan is the foundation for a great space, and is a fundamental aspect of interior design. Having a floor plan that works well in your home is all about spacing. You want to make sure that there is at least 45 centimeters between each piece in your space; this includes furniture like couches, coffee tables, and anything else that takes up a considerable amount of space. Putting together a functional and aesthetically pleasing floor pan can be more difficult than it sounds, so here’s a good rule to keep in mind.

This rule is called the 70-30 split. The 70-30 split is a simple rule that says you should decorate somewhere around 70% of the room, and leave 30% open. If you follow the 70-30 rule, your room should have enough going on that it still has character, but also enough empty space so that the room is livable and has space for entertaining company. 

Build Around A Showcase Piece

Ever since the television made its way into the average household it has changed the way that living spaces are structured and designed. If you have a television set in your living room, you should keep it in mind when designing the layout of the room. Maybe you and your family aren’t frequent television watchers. Maybe you prefer to sit by the fireplace and chat or read a book. A good fireplace can become a great one with the right pieces around it. If you structure your living space around the fireplace, or any other showcase piece you’d like, you will direct the attention of the room to it, making it more accessible and convenient for you and your guests to enjoy.

Color Scheme

This last tip may seem obvious but it’s so critical to the feel and character of a room that we wouldn’t leave it out. Color! Choosing a color scheme for your home can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of designing a house. It’s your home, so do what looks good to you. Just remember that you’re going to be looking at these colors ever day, so try to pick colors that you won’t grow tired of quickly. Here are two soft guidelines that should give you a push in the right direction. 

First things first, try to avoid clashing colors. Some colors just don’t compliment each other as well as others, while others seem to be a perfect fit. Choose wisely. Lastly, balancing your colors can be a great way to ensure they blend together nicely. Try using the 60-30 rule, which says that your dominant color should be used about 60% of the time, and your secondary color 30% of the time. If you’re feeling creative, the remaining 10% can be used for a splash of an additional color that will give your room that extra pop.

We hope that all of these tips were helpful and we wish you luck on designing your space. You can always find more tips and information on interior design at SID.com.


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