
Our Top Three Tips for Designing Your Home

Calling all homeowners and do it yourselfers! Have you been thinking about sprucing up your home for a while but aren’t sure exactly how to go about it? Or maybe you’re a new home owner excited to design your new space, but you could use a little bit of direction. If so, you’re in the right place because we are going to be giving the top three tips on designing the interior of your home. Floor Plan and Spacing When it comes to designing a living space, getting the floor plan right is a must. A solid floor plan is the foundation for a great space, and is a fundamental aspect of interior design. Having a floor plan that works well in your home is all about spacing. You want to make sure that there is at least 45 centimeters between each piece in your space; this includes furniture like couches, coffee tables, and anything else that takes up a considerable amount of space. Putting together a functional and aesthetically pleasing floor pan can be more difficult than it sounds, so here’s a

What Can We Learn from Twitter's Latest High Profile Ban?


Music and Me

My name is Brandon Leevy and this is my blog. I have several previous posts that cover a wide range of topics, but this post is going to be more personal than the others. I am currently a student at HPU studying Strategic Communications and Sales. My path to becoming an HPU student was a long and winding road, and in this blog post you’ll get a better idea as to why that is. I am going to tell you a story about myself, and the thing that excites me, engages me, and challenges me the most. Music. I’d like to give a fair warning that this post is going to be entirely too long, but I hope that you gain some value from reading it, and maybe even relate it to your own life in some way. Ever since I can remember, music has played a significant role in my life. Some of my earliest memories come from watching my brother compose instrumentals on a beat machine that would be considered “old school” in 2021. But at the time it was new and was full of buttons that I had no clue how to control, but

Technology: Helpful or Harmful? (Final Post Spring)

There is an ongoing debate revolving around the question: Is modern technology helping us or hurting us as a society, and as a planet? This question has been pondered countless times by people all over the world and I believe this question will be present in our minds for as long as technology exist. Certainly, we do not yet know enough about technology or its future potential to answer this question definitively. Anyone who claims they do is sadly mistaken, as technology has continued to prove even the brightest of intellectuals wrong with the passing of each generation. Even the brilliant Thomas Edison once said that " Fooling around with alternating current (AC) is just a waste of time.  Nobody will use it, ever. " We can only make educated guesses when discussing technology's true impact and its future implications. It has a tendency to be unpredictable, and its effects, difficult to put in words. There are many variables and uncertainties involved in trying to

Will We Become A Virtual Society? (Week 16)

“I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you... Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease; it probably would decrease instances of influenza dramatically in this country.” These were the words of Dr. Anthony Fauci at a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing in early April. This statement triggered many responses by the media and public, who had several varying opinions and concerns regarding Fauci's comments. I mention this statement from Dr. Fauci because it is in many ways related to a recent realization that has been brought forth by the Coronavirus pandemic. This realization is that our society has the capability of socially functioning without physical interaction.  School, casual communications, and even work, in some cases has carried on via the utilization of technology during this pandemic. Of course, we have had access to this kind of technology for years but this might be the first time that we have depended

Is Privacy A Thing of The Past? (Week 14)

How important is your private information to you? This is a question that perhaps we do not ask ourselves enough. Most of us would probably answer that question by saying our private information is of a high level of importance to us. After all, it is supposed to be "private." But maybe next question we should ask ourselves is: Are we taking the necessary measures to protect that information? Since most of us would agree that it is important, do we read the terms of agreement before downloading an app or signing up for a service? Or do we just click "I agree.” The vast majority of people do not read the terms of agreement before clicking the "I agree" button. But to our defense, companies do not exactly make these terms easy to read and comprehend. Companies' terms of agreement often feature pages upon pages of microscopic texts containing confusing technical and legal jargon. Buried within these pages of small texts are hidden warnings that we are abou