
Showing posts from February, 2021

What Can We Learn from Twitter's Latest High Profile Ban?


Music and Me

My name is Brandon Leevy and this is my blog. I have several previous posts that cover a wide range of topics, but this post is going to be more personal than the others. I am currently a student at HPU studying Strategic Communications and Sales. My path to becoming an HPU student was a long and winding road, and in this blog post you’ll get a better idea as to why that is. I am going to tell you a story about myself, and the thing that excites me, engages me, and challenges me the most. Music. I’d like to give a fair warning that this post is going to be entirely too long, but I hope that you gain some value from reading it, and maybe even relate it to your own life in some way. Ever since I can remember, music has played a significant role in my life. Some of my earliest memories come from watching my brother compose instrumentals on a beat machine that would be considered “old school” in 2021. But at the time it was new and was full of buttons that I had no clue how to control, but