
Showing posts from May, 2020

Technology: Helpful or Harmful? (Final Post Spring)

There is an ongoing debate revolving around the question: Is modern technology helping us or hurting us as a society, and as a planet? This question has been pondered countless times by people all over the world and I believe this question will be present in our minds for as long as technology exist. Certainly, we do not yet know enough about technology or its future potential to answer this question definitively. Anyone who claims they do is sadly mistaken, as technology has continued to prove even the brightest of intellectuals wrong with the passing of each generation. Even the brilliant Thomas Edison once said that " Fooling around with alternating current (AC) is just a waste of time.  Nobody will use it, ever. " We can only make educated guesses when discussing technology's true impact and its future implications. It has a tendency to be unpredictable, and its effects, difficult to put in words. There are many variables and uncertainties involved in trying to