
Showing posts from February, 2020

The History and Advancement of Virtual Reality (KEY POST Week 6)

When considering the EOTO Tech Timeline, I focused on Virtual Reality. Virtual reality is an invention that is a bit more abstract than some of the other technological inventions that are listed on the Tech Timeline. Because for hundreds of years prior to the invention of virtual reality technology, philosophers and inventors have been interested in exploring some form of virtual or alternate reality. And so, throughout history there have been those who attempted to actualize this concept with a very wide range of approaches. But the first virtual reality model that resembles what we recognize as VR today, was created by Ivan Sutherland and his student, Bob Sproull in 1968. Their virtual reality model somewhat resembled what we know today as a VR headset, but it was different in many ways. It was extremely heavy, and was so heavy that it had to hang from the ceiling. The virtual reality experience that it offered was nowhere near the VR that we are now accustom to. It was not inte

Youtube's Demonetization Dilemma (Week 4)

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last decade, you are probably familiar with the online video streaming platform, Youtube. Youtube officially hit the web about fifteen years ago in 2005. Since then, the platform has seemingly taken over the world, and is now the second-most used search engine in the entire world. Youtube would be the world's largest search engine, if it were not for one other monster of a company that dominates the search engine space. We all know them as Google, and odds are, you're using their service in some way as you read this. With Google as its only main search engine competitor, it is not hard to see why Youtube is so widely recognized and used all around the world. Youtube's 2 billion active monthly users is an astounding figure, and with 4 billion eyeballs watching Youtube on a monthly basis, the potential ways to profit on user activity is seemingly endless. This massive number of viewers on the platform has also created the opp

The Supreme Court (Week 3)

The United States Supreme Court is the world's most powerful judicial body. There are nine justices who serve on the Supreme Court, and in the court's history, there have been a total of over 100 justices. Serving as a Supreme Court Justice is an honor that is not bestowed upon many. As previously mentioned, only nine justices can serve at once, and the average justice serves for an average of sixteen years. With that being said, the window of opportunity for becoming a justice is very narrow. When the Supreme Court loses a justice, the President appoints the next justice who will fill the vacancy. This choice is then reviewed, and the process does not always run smoothly. We all witnessed a very recent example of this in 2016 when President Trump attempted to appoint justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and questions about the judges character and integrity were raised before he was eventually got the job.   The Supreme Court is responsible for upholding the consti