
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Sandmann Story (Week 2)

Nicholas Sandmann is a 16 year old high school student whose life has seemingly changed over night, and in more ways than one. Last year, the teen attended an antiabortion rally along with several of his classmates from Covington Catholic High School. Many different activists and groups were present at the rally, and at some point, the group of teen boys from Covington got into an altercation with a Native American activist named Nathan Phillips, with Sandmann at the forefront of the confrontation. The altercation never became physical, but the entire scene was caught on video. The video shows both Sandmann and Phillips engaged in what appears to be a standoff, as the two stare at each other with no more than a foot or two of separation between them. Phillips is chanting something and beating on a drum that he is holding. Sandmann is wearing a MAGA hat, as are some of his classmates who are also visible in the video. Sandmann does not say anything in the video; he just stares at Phil